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credits to
Nurin Asyada
Nazihah Anuar
officially 1-7-2011
July 5, 2011 | 3:15 AM | 0 Strawberry
yeahh ramai tanya mcm mana har minx cple . hehe weyy korang ni menyibuk tahu ! it's okay lha , dorg kata kita sweet lha baby . so syg story je lha okay okay .

1-7-2011 . 7.19AM
har : i want you be my last guirl and i hope im ur last boy . bole syg ? 
bell : i am wishing the same thing too . kita sama sama work this and make our dream come true oky b .
har : i love you , i love you , i love you , i love you , i love you , i love you , i love you , i love you , I LOVE YOU !!! 
bell : i promise i will never leave you as long we still love each other so much and through all kidness and sickness until our last breath . and i promise we gonna fight for our love sake and show to world that im yours and you are truly mine . 
har : aduhai i so in love with you syg . xmo lepaskan syg , x nk . xkan ad yang boleh amek syg dari b . n xkn ada sorg boleh amek b dari syg . b janji oky . takde sorg pun , kecuali Allah . b cintakan syg sgt2
bell : baby awak buad kita cair habes dkt awak ni tahu tak ?
har : wil u marry me syg ? be part of my life , be my wife . always with me no matter what till the end of the day , will you syg ?
bell : of course baby , you know im so in love with you . ur proposal accepted =D
har : yeah !! haaha i love you syg . yeah2 dpt kawen . heeee
bell : eh amboi terus elok demam dia . hahaha gediknyaa . i love you too baby . 
har : hehe syg buad b tersenyum . jgn break our promises k . kalau tak b mati merana aw . b dah bagi jiwa raga b dkt syg sorg je 
bell : hehe awk buad kita ada mcm2 perasaan tahu . always remind each other bila kita lupa oky . kita dah officially together belum ?
har : dahh *some text missing

and 7.45 am . here you are ! im giving my love to you Azhar Kamarudin . with all my heart , you sharing your heart to me and make this as our story love . forever ~~ 

* har demam time ni tahu , tapi sempat lagi nehh mengedik . hehe oky dia ta kesah demam ke tak , yg dia tahu dia dpt aku . so awal2 lagi dia dah tnjuk he could do anything for me .
*nampak jiwang en , tapi trust me if all of you in my place that time of course korang felt the same way like i am too .  

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